Keep your customers coming back

Grow your customer base effortlessly

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Keep your customers <b>coming back</b> | EasyStore

Why customer relationship
is important

  •  Better Return On Investment |  EasyStore
    Better Return On Investment

    It costs 6x times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. They also tend to spend more.

  •  Profitable Growth |  EasyStore
    Profitable Growth

    Getting repeat orders from existing customers brings in healthy cashflow to the business without increasing cost.

  •  Word of Mouth |  EasyStore
    Word of Mouth

    Loyal customers will not only spend more but will also recommend your brand to friends and family.

Own your customer data

  • Customer Database

    Store information about your customers, such as contact info, order history, total spent and more. Use filters to view customers by specific attributes.

  • Customer Service

    Get in touch with customers with just a click and easily access customer details to provide a spectacular customer service.

  • Customer Segmentation

    Not all customers are the same. Use customer groups to create a more personalized marketing approach for each segment for better conversions.

Own your customer data | EasyStore

Keep the conversation going

  • Broadcast Center

    Easily broadcast timely and accurate messages to the right group of customers via SMS, email, chat and more, without having to log in to another platform.

  • Post-Purchase Marketing

    Customize automated confirmation emails and create post-purchase email automation workflows with email marketing app integrations to encourage repeat purchases.

  • Customer Feedback

    Collect customer reviews and have it displayed on your online store. Reviews help you get feedback and provide social proof to increase conversions.

Keep the conversation going | EasyStore

Turn shoppers into
lifetime customers

  • Loyalty Program

    Easily create your own loyalty program by adding incentives with points system to encourage customers to purchase more often.

  • Membership Tier

    Take your loyalty program to the next level and get customers even more engaged by offering different rewards depending on which tier a customer is in.

  • Custom Discount Methods

    Flexible discount feature that allows you to create multiple pricing incentives such as % discount, buy 1 free 1, purchase with purchase and more.

Turn shoppers into <br class="show-desktop"> lifetime customers | EasyStore


  • Poopyland | EasyStore
    開設實體店數月後,因為疫情的衝擊,決定透過 EasyStore 結合線上與線下銷售。噗比媽會在線上定時分享線下實體活動詳情來與追蹤者互動,Poopyland 也會定時舉辦新手教室線下活動,再利用 EasyStore 客戶關係管理功能鼓勵客戶註冊為會員,以收集客戶資料進行深入經營及再行銷。
    Poopyland 噗比媽 — 創辦人
  • Littdlework | EasyStore
    非常推薦大家來使用 EasyStore 架設屬於自己的獨立官網,以此來更好地經營品牌。尤其是已經累計了基礎粉絲的品牌,可以更容易地把客人從 Instagram 及 Facebook 帶到網站轉化成訂單。
    Littdlework 流星 — 創辦人